Curriculum Plans

Our Curriculum

The principal aim of the school is for all children to be ‘Thriving Together’ through Knowledge, Nurture and Enrichment.

Heathfield has a long track record of high-quality engaging education for children in Nottingham through memorable first-hand experiences.

Our curriculum stems from understanding our children’s needs, contexts, knowledge and skills.

Our curriculum, guided by the Heathfield Pledge, is:

  • ambitious
  • broad and balanced
  • creative
  • nurturing

Our Early Years provision at Heathfield sets solid foundations for the development of the whole child bringing to life a nurturing and stimulating learning experience which, with a focus on early literacy and maths skills, ensures they are school ready.

With children at the heart, we offer an enriched curriculum designed to make learning meaningful; delivered through quality first adaptive teaching.  Our creative topics immerse children into high-quality texts and vocabulary to foster a love of reading.

The curriculum is sequenced to ensure progression across all year groups and subject areas and is guided by timely and effective assessment and intervention in a variety of forms. It is strengthened by our CPD pathway for staff. The climate for learning and high expectations of everyone at Heathfield allows children to enjoy and achieve, in a safe and supportive environment, from often low starting points to comparing favourably to national outcomes at the end of year 6.  They are able to apply their skills and knowledge in order to leave Heathfield equipped to successfully access their next stage in learning and to go on to be good citizens who make a positive contribution.

Topic Cycle A – 2022-23

Topic Cycle B – 2023-24

Current Topic Plans

Below are links to the current topic plans for each phase. Each plan also includes a ‘Knowledge Overview’ that contains the key knowledge and vocabulary that we expect the children to learn during the topic.



Year 1&2

Year 3&4

Year 5&6

Long Term Plans for Each Phase

Phases plan on a two-year cycle to accommodate both year groups in the phase and our mixed-aged classes.  Our phase teams work hard to ensure the children receive a varied curriculum with National Curriculum at the very heart of the expectations and coverage.

Click on the Phase to see their Long Term Plans

 EYFS           Year 1&2           Year 3&4            Year 5&6

Half-termly topic overviews are sent out to parents prior to the half term holiday so families are aware of things they could do to dive head first into the topic!


Due to our belief that every child should have every opportunity to achieve to the best of their ability, we are incredibly flexible with the duration of time spent on each area of the mathematics curriculum. Teachers will use their professional judgement when deciding how long to spend on each objective with individual classes & children.

Maths Overview

Maths Long Term Plan 


English Overview

English Long Term Plan

English Progression of Text Features 

Reading at Heathfield


  • We follow Read, Write Inc as our Phonics programme. All children in EYFS and KS1 have daily Phonics sessions.
  • Any child who is not secure with their Phonics after Year 2 will continue to be supported through Phonics sessions. We also access Fresh Start for Y5/6.
  • We use the Read, Write Inc Phonics books and decodable Book Bag Books supplemented by picture/paperback books as ‘library books’ in the children’s book-bags.
  • Parents are encouraged to take an active role in supporting their child at home through listening to then read their phonics books each evening, ensuring their Phonics Packs are in school each day and by accessing the School Portal resources which are provided via QR codes. This has been successful in demonstrating to parents how to say pure sounds whilst also recapping previous learning, current learning and what their next step will be.
  • Teachers also send home key sounds and Tricky (Red) Words linked to Read, Write, Inc for extra practise.
  • Children who join us in-year are assessed and grouped on entry to school, ensuring any gaps are filled in their learning as quickly as possible.
  • All EYFS/KS1 and KS2 accessing Phonics are assessed each half term as a minimum to ensure their progress is tracked and they are regrouped.
  • We have been fortunate to access DfE Accelerator funding recently to enable quality staff CPD providing consistency in practice across campuses and groups.

Subject Pathways

Our subject pathways map out the progression of skills, knoweldge and vocubulary for our Foundation subjects from EYFS to Year 6.

Further Information

If you would like any further information about any aspects of the curriculum at Heathfield, please contact the school office who will be able to put you in touch with the appropriate member of staff.