Rainbow Reading Challenge


Can you ‘Read the Rainbow’ over the holidays?

It is really important to keep reading over the summer holidays so you could… 

  • Look for free books on apple books, kindle and audible 
  • Go and see what books are in your local book exchange or charity shop 
  • Check out the resources using the links below:

A collection of decodable e books that fit with our Read Write Inc phonics scheme  Free eBook library | Oxford Owl from Oxford University Press

Visit your local library https://www.nottinghamcitylibraries.co.uk/summer-reading-challenge/  

Great for younger children in EYFS or KS1  https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/storybooks-and-games/

Enjoy stories being read to you by celebrities  https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/b00jdlm2/cbeebies-bedtime-stories

Adults reading stories to you  https://www.youtube.com/user/StorylineOnline

National Literacy Trust ideas, book lists by age and activities  https://wordsforlife.org.uk/

uthors suggesting book related activity ideas  https://www.beanstalkcharity.org.uk/Pages/Category/summer-reading-challenges A

downloadable activity ideas  https://usborne.com/gb/activities-for-kids/activity-sheets

book news, charts and giveaways https://clubs-kids.scholastic.co.uk/   

Enjoy reading non-fiction in KS2, get 6 issues for £1  https://www.firstnews.co.uk/ 

Listen to other children reading to you  https://kidsread2kids.com/early-learners

For Year 5/6 to hear classic novels being read by others   https://kidsread2kids.com/classic-novels  

Download books in PDF format  https://freekidsbooks.org/reading-level/children/