EYFS – Nursery and Reception

Foundation 1 – Seahorse and Jellyfish Classes

Bright Ideas

Every Monday your child will be sent home with a ‘Bright Ideas’ sheet. This weekly newsletter will summarise the learning for the week ahead. This includes:

  • Learning of the week- This will share with you our class book and theme for the week.
  • Phonics- A weekly summary of the activities we will be carrying out to develop the children’s early sound discrimination.
  • Number Time- A weekly summary of what we will be learning in maths and the activities we will be carrying out. It will also highlight our key vocabulary so that you can also model this language at home.
  • Home learning suggestions- We will share different activities that can be carried out at home to support our different areas of learning. We ask parents to evidence the learning they carry out on the Evidence Me app.


We actively encourage children to read regularly with their grown-up at home to support their child’s early reading skills and love of reading. Every week your child will be sent home with a picture book to share with their grown up. Hearing a book being read, helps children to learn new vocabulary and to understand how stories work. Our school expectation is to listen to your child read at least 3 times a week. Please record their reading on their ‘Rainbow Reading Challenge Cards’. Once your child has read 3 times their card will be stamped by their teacher. Once their card is completed they will receive the next ‘Rainbow Reading Challenge Card’. The children can move through the colours of the Rainbow to collect them all- they may also receive certificates and vouchers for our

Foundation 2 – Dolphins, Turtles and Octopus Classes

Bright Ideas

Every Monday your child will be sent home with a ‘Bright Ideas’ sheet. This weekly newsletter will summarise the learning for the week ahead. This includes:

  • Literacy- This will share with you our class book and the different reading and writing activities we will be carrying out to develop the children’s understanding of the text.
  • Phonics- A weekly summary of the sounds we will be learning during our sessions and to share the green and red words we would like be practised at home.
  • Number Time- A weekly summary of what we will be learning in maths and the activities we will be carrying out. It will also highlight our key vocabulary so that you can also model this language at home.
  • Topic- A weekly summary of the activities we will be carrying out to support our topic. These could be creative activities or activities to support children’s growing understanding of the world.
  • Home learning suggestions- We will share different activities that can be carried out at home to support our different areas of learning. We ask parents to evidence the learning they carry out on the Evidence Me app.


We actively encourage children to read regularly with their grown-up at home. Learning to read is such an important skill and your child’s Reception year is a significant time in your child’s schooling where they will begin to learn how to read. Our school expectation is to listen to your child read at least 3 times a week. Your child will be sent home with a picture book to promote reading for enjoyment and a book banded scheme book to encourage them to apply the phonics skills they have been learning in school.

Please record their reading on their ‘Rainbow Reading Challenge Cards’. Once your child has read 3 times their card will be stamped by their teacher. Once their card is completed they will receive the next ‘Rainbow Reading Challenge Card’. The children can move through the colours of the Rainbow to collect them all- they may also receive certificates and vouchers for our school book fairs