- We follow Read, Write Inc as our Phonics programme. All children in EYFS and KS1 have daily Phonics sessions. Click here for more information
- Any child who is not secure with their Phonics after Year 2 continue to be supported through Phonics sessions. We also access Fresh Start for Y5/6.
- We use the Read, Write Inc Phonics books and decodable Book Bag Books supplemented by picture/paperback books as ‘library books’ in the children’s book-bags. Oxford Owls ebooks and resources
- Parents are encouraged to take an active role in supporting their child at home through listening to then read their phonics books each evening, ensuring their Phonics Packs are in school each day and by accessing the School Portal resources which are provided via QR codes. This has been successful in demonstrating to parents how to say pure sounds whilst also recapping previous learning, current learning and what their next step will be.
- Teachers send home key sounds and Tricky (Red) Words linked to Read, Write, Inc for extra practise.
- Children who join us in-year are assessed and grouped on entry to school, ensuring any gaps are filled in their learning as quickly as possible.
- All EYFS/KS1 and KS2 accessing Phonics are assessed each half term as a minimum to ensure their progress is tracked and they are regrouped.
- All staff have received up to date RWInc training and access the School Portal for high quality CPD on demand.
Reading at Home

Book Weeks
We have a book week each term when each class uses a book of their own choosing as a stimulus for the week. The book weeks immerse children in high quality texts from a variety of authors and cultures. Picture books, chapter books, poetry and wordless books are brought to life across school with amazing results!
The aim of a book week is to LOVE reading and enter new worlds expanding imaginations. All areas of the curriculum are explored with the central themes from the books. Our displays around school showcase the rich learning which takes place.