Early Birds Club

We know our children need fuel to support their ability to learn. We offer a FREE breakfast Club each morning at both campuses which children can attend from 8:15am.

Children can turn up on the day without pre-booking and enjoy a breakfast of cereal, toast and juice whilst socialising with children of all ages.

Parents should accompany the children to the door to ensure they are supervised at all times.

Each club closes at 8:30 to enable children to finish eating before the start of school to to ensure all adults are able to be in class on time.

Our Early Birds club is linked to the wrap around Lighthouse Club which runs from 7:30 each day. Our excellent Teaching Assistants also support the children during the Early Birds clubs running activities and supervising games.

A HUGE benefit of the club is that children are on time to school. We average around 25% of the children for breakfast each day.