This policy aims to:
- Provide a clear definition of the purpose and nature of homework at Heathfield
- To ensure parents/carers and children are clear about expectations
- To establish how homework will be organised in each Key Phase
Why give homework?
- It can inform parents/carers about work going on in class
- It can further stimulate enthusiasm for learning
- It can take advantage of the home environment and resources and the chance for one to one adult time
- It can be a great source for gathering topic information to share with class peers
- It is a great opportunity to practise key skills and improve fluency such as: instant recall of times tables and number bonds, spellings and other key facts
- It helps foster good habits of organisation, self-discipline, perseverance and prepares children for the demands of secondary school
Whilst we support all of the above key principles, Heathfield Primary and Nursery is not a school at which homework is intended to dominate home and school life. We accept that not every activity will capture the children’s and parent/carers’ imagination and that weekends and evenings can sometimes be very busy.
We hope the children are motivated by the positive feedback and by the tasks themselves and are not punished if they fail to complete homework tasks. However, if a child consistently fails to complete and return homework tasks, this is discussed with the child and parents/carers.
To support the notion of becoming ‘secondary ready’ Year 6 pupils will be asked to complete any outstanding homework during their lunch break if they fail to complete and return such tasks.
At Heathfield Primary and Nursery School we are very fortunate to have such an incredibly hard working staff team. Nationally, there are huge concerns about teachers’ workload and these issues must be taken seriously in order to avoid serious impact on health, teacher recruitment and retention. In exercising our duty of care to the staff team we place no expectation that homework should be marked neither do we promote marking above other forms of feedback and assessment.
Mr Fullwood