Safeguarding at Heathfield

click the image to access the policy

Safeguarding children is paramount and is everybody’s responsibility.

Its ‘Children First’ at Heathfield Primary and Nursery School and we embrace our role in promoting the welfare of children in our care.

Children: Click on the Worry Monster to share a concern

These posters can be found around school…

Ofsted Report January 2024: Safeguarding is effective.

Ofsted Report October 2022: Leaders have created a strong safeguarding culture. All staff know that it is everyone’s responsibility to keep pupils safe. They are well equipped to identify pupils who may be at risk of harm. All staff know how to report concerns, and these are managed well by leaders. Leaders ensure that pupils receive the support they may need to keep safe. They work well with outside agencies. Leaders are aware of issues in the local community that may pose a risk to their pupils. The curriculum teaches pupils how to keep safe, including when online. Pupils know how to look after their own mental health and well-being.

The DSL team at each campus meet weekly to discuss current cases. Each half term the Designated Safeguarding Team meet as a whole to discuss ‘hot topics’.  It is a shared professional discussion to ensure we, as a school, are contributing to the support in place for our families.  This may involve discussions with other professionals during our attendance at Social Care led meetings.

Mr Hicks, Miss Dickens, Mrs Abasspour (DHT) and Pete Cumberland (Link Governor) hold relevant ‘Safer Recruitment’ accreditation.

Link Governors – Pete Cumberland is the link governor for Safeguarding and meet regularly with the DSL regarding compliance and updates.  He also uses this as an opportunity to gather staff and pupil voice.

Safeguarding through the Curriculum

Staying Safe Online

Social Media Letter – April 2024 Please read this for more information about keeping your child safe online

Our school devices are filtered by Netsweeper and monitored by Smoothwall Monitoring. Click here for their Privace notice for children/parents, DSLs receive weekly reports regarding any concerns.

Safer Internet Day

Link to Heathfield’s Online Safety Policy

The breadth of issues classified within online safety is considerable and ever evolving, but can be categorised into four areas of risk (KCSIE 2023)

NSPCC Online Safety resources and assemblies

FREE resources for parents previously shared on our newsletter

CEOP Safety Centre for advice and reporting


All year groups use the SCARF scheme to cover each aspects of PSHE/RSHE

Year 5/6 access a range of other projects…

Well-Being Themes

Each half term we focus on a different wellbeing theme in assemblies and in class.

Information is shared on our newsletter each week to encourage parents to talk too!

Key Documents

Looked After Child Policy

Keeping Children Safe in Education DfE

Safer Recruitment Policy

Online Safety Policy

Whistle Blowing Policy

Smoothwall Privacy notice