PE & Sports Grant

Every school in England receives funding for school sports provision and development. This is part of the government’s plan to keep alive the legacy of the Olympic Games and to inspire a new generation.

The Impact of the PE and Sports Premium

The PE Subject Leaders evaluate the impact of the PE and Sports Premium funding as part of the normal subject monitoring arrangements.

Please click here to read the current Impact Report.

We have used our PE and Sport Premium to: improve the quality and breadth of PE and sporting provision; including CPD for teachers, increasing participation in PE and sport; so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of. We have also engaged the least active pupils by targeting specific children to work in small groups with our Sports Coach and Sports Ambassadors and have supported others with resilience coaching and the ‘Next Level superstar’ programme.

How we measure impact at Heathfield?

  • Staff surveys annually
  • Pupil surveys annually
  • Staff working with sports coaches
  • Assessments each half term
  • Registers maintained and monitored for all children participating in after school clubs identifying an increase over the year and also focusing upon children eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant
  • Teacher and coach observations showing skills learned from the coach
  • End of year pupil dialogues
  • Spare kit purchased so that no child has to miss PE due to lack of PE kit
  • Fundamental skills assessments for all KS1 children by sports coaches and class teachers to identify difficulties / gaps to improve in lessons and to inform planning
  • Talented children identified and directed to community clubs
  • Survey for parents

After school club participation 

Having analysed the uptake of after school sports clubs over the last few years it is clear that the sports premium has had a positive impact. The Subject Leaders have been able to identify children who had not previously participated and proactively offered places at clubs to them first. . The number of children eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant attending extra –curricular sports clubs has increased since last year.

Pupil Questionnaires

The key messages learned were that over 92% children enjoy PE at Heathfield.

Sharing Successes:

Assemblies are used to share achievements in and out of school with swimming badges, sport competitions results, show and tell of trophies and medals and gym and dance performances.