Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Development (SMSC) and British Values
How SMSC is embedded and promoted at Heathfield Primary and Nursery School
As a school
We enhance provision with …
- Looking after the environment – Eco Team
- Playground buddies
- Breakfast and After School club
- Assemblies
- Celebrating achievement
- Supporting children to develop a social and moral conscience
- Philosophy 4 Children lessons
- An active School Council
- Young Leaders
- Sports ambassadors
- School elections
- Community links
- Global Day
- Competitions and performances
- International School Award
- RSC Artsmark Alliance Platinum award
Children evolve along their learning journey through…
kindness, rules, looking after the environment, community, SCARF PSHE, circle time, home time tokens and sharing special items.
Children’s Personal Social Emotional Development is fostered through supporting children to make friends, follow routines, take turns and share resources.
Children at Heathfield are taught to accept the needs of others whilst friendly behaviour is modelled to support the formation of good relationships.
Enriching children’s experiences by ….
learning outside the classroom, trips, sharing what is important to us – culture box, favourite book, SCARF PSHE, show and tell, topics, parent workshops, giving to charity and school events.
PSHE supports our children to build healthy relationships, develop resilience and an understanding of rules. Children at Heathfield are taught how to have a healthy lifestyle, to be responsible, kind and to take care of the environment.
YEAR 3/4
Further developing well rounded children by…
studying British History topics, Fair Trade, Black History Month, anti-bullying week, RSE.
PSHE and R.E supports our children to build confidence and take risks with their learning. Children at Heathfield continue to build relationships, self- awareness and appreciate the diversity of our school.
YEAR 5/6
Supporting transition (towards adulthood) by…
developing a growth mind-set through metacognition, skills and knowledge . Knowing how to stay safe physically, mentally and online.
PSHE, R.E, Science, Geography and History supports our children’s understanding of the world, fairness and equality. Individuality is celebrated and a sense of belonging developed. Children at Heathfield follow the quality golden rule of treating others as you would like to be treated and are taught the importance of making healthy choices.
Our pupils say…
“People show respect by letting others say what they want to say. If you never let anyone say what they want to say that’s being unfair.”
“I have learnt not to judge.”
In their last inspection, Ofsted said…
“British values are promoted well by leaders. They feature in assemblies, for example where pupils learn about justice and democracy, and are reinforced through activities, such as voting for the school councillors. Leaders are also very aware of the need to ensure that pupils value diversity. They look for opportunities to broaden pupils’ experiences of people from other backgrounds, cultures and faiths. For example, pupils visit different places of worship. As a result, pupils are respectful and considerate of views different from their own.”
Heathfield’s Provision Nurtures Success – creating confident children who can make choices, know right from wrong and celebrate difference.